Thursday, July 16, 2009

Actron CP9087 Engine Ignition Module and Sensor Tester

Posted by Jessada at 7:35 PM

Buy Cheap Actron CP9087 Engine Ignition Module and Sensor Tester

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This tester is designed to combine ignition module, igniter, and sensor testing into one easy to use tool. It is used to make sure all your vehicle sensors are in working order. It includes O2, knock, and crankshaft sensors as well as a back probe for in-circuit testing and it is 9-volt battery operated.

Technical Details

- Checks system sensors
- Includes O2, knock, and crankshaft sensors
- Designed to combine ignition module
- Back probe included for in-circuit testing
- Operated by 9-volt battery
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Customer Buzz
 "okay, but limited" 2009-02-13
By loosenut (CA United States)
Good quality product, I will keep it in my tool box. Be warned that it is limited to testing the ignition modules shown in it's user manual only. It would not test one from a 1990 Jeep....I confirmed this with their customer service (which I will say were very helpful). Make sure that it will test your IM's and sensors before you buy!

Customer Buzz
 "It got my car running again" 2008-06-17
By 9design (Chicago suburban)
My daughter's '94 Ford Tempo died about 9 months ago, as it had no spark. After replacing the TFI module, hall sensor and coil, it still had no spark, which baffled me. I was convinced that a wire was shorted-out by the info given by the OBD scan. Went through the manual's test procedures for the various ignition modules (mostly resistance and voltage tests across various connectors), and all checked-out fine, except the car still wouldn't run. When this little device became available on Amazon, I thought I'd give it one last try. The Actron CP9087 tester showed that the TFI module on the distributor(a new Accel aftermarket, also purchased on was dead, and had also taken the coil along with it to the graveyard. Replaced these two components and the car now runs fine. Without this little gem, I'd be hauling the car to the scrap yard by now. Wish I could go back 9 months and do an Amazon review of Accel's junk ignition modules!!

Customer Buzz
 "un buen producto para quien sabe sacarle provecho" 2008-04-26
By Jesus Bracamonte
Este probador de modulos y sensores es de gran ayuda para el mecanico profesional, y lo mas importante es que trae instrucciones en español sin las cuales no es posible utilizar con eficacia este producto. Lo recomiendo como una herramienta de gran ayuda para el tecnico en inyeccion y electricista automotriz. Antes de yo tener este equipo tenia que pagar a talleres especializados para que me probaran los sensores de EFECTO HALL y MODULOS, con este producto ahorro tiempo y dinero.

Customer Buzz
 "Great product for the price" 2008-04-24
By Nathan Blanton
I used this tester while I was an employee of Autozone. I didn't realize that it was under 50 dollars, and I plan on purchasing one for myself now. This is a great device and can really tell you if you need to replace a sensor or module, or look somewhere else in the system for the problem. Once we got this in at Autozone, we stopped selling a lot of components to people that they didn't need. This is important, since we would not accept returns of electrical components except when they were either never installed or faulty. Highly recommend, to comment on the other review that it only works on "bad" modules, generally speaking, electrical components usually go bad completely. If you have an intermittant fault, it's normally wiring or something mechanical.

Customer Buzz
 "Ignition Module Tester?" 2007-09-21
By Well Read (Totowa, NJ)
Well...I ran out and bought this module tester after my mechanic assured me my module was at fault for a misfire. Opening the box and reading the manual of this tester revealed a rather huge caveat: MODULE TESTER IS ONLY FOR USE ON DEAD MODULES. It will confirm your module is dead. This means that if your car WON'T START this unit will tell you whether it is the module or not but it will NOT reveal if their is an intermittent problem with the module.

Hey, this is not all bad but it doesn't help me at all with my misfire.

In the end I'm keeping it anyway but I wish they would have mentioned that BIG detail upfront.

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